Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Sorry, I have done it again... this time more than a month!

Really the first 4 weeks of the time between these posts were uneventful but the last week and a half has been whirlwind and wonderful!

Unfortunately Brian took too long to update his blog (he just added another slideshow and a really long update, check it out if you can 't wait for my wordy input) and now it is bedtime.

We are in Auckland and leaving tomorrow for a few days up north.

I am healthy (though a little more sunburned than I should be) and very very happy.

I am looking forward to the next 363 days of 2008 being as awesome as the first 2 have been.

Happy New Year, I hope your holidays have been safe and enjoyable.

I will detail the month of December and the beginning of January SOON!

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