Saturday, August 11, 2007

Because it hurts....

That's "wine not"!

Pruning/Stripping/Wrapping sure takes its toll on the fragile American weaklings... or at least this one.

But since it is Saturday (work is optional on contract rate) we don't have to work today and get 2 whole days to let our bodies rest! Our hands are stiff, swollen and tingly. Fortunately, we switched to wrapping on Thursday and I am feeling a lot less whole body pain-- just hands! Also, we are moving almost quick enough for contract rate. So life is good despite the pain (but probably only because tomorrow is another day off, don't ask me tomorrow!) I am looking forward to the upcoming vineyard jobs which promise to be a bit less physically demanding as this one. But a bit of WWOOFing should give us just the break we need from all these vineyards long enough for them to get some growth in the spring and be beautiful!

Today we slept in 'til 8! And then we went into Blenheim for a visit to the library for a tabloid/Vanity Fair/Vogue fix for me-- though interesting enough I don't really read those in the states-- I suppose I see it on TV. Brian discovered Metro Magazine-- a magazine for Auckland which is pretty cool. We visited a cafe for some coffee and a muffin and then went to the local rugby field to watch.

When we arrived a women's game was in progress on a field next to the "stadium." It was really windy and cloudy so it was quite chilly. We watched the women for a little while and then needed a warming up break. So we walked to the pizzeria/brewery next door for lunch. Yum! We walked back to the field to see if the men's game had started but there was still some time so we went to a chocolate factory and to a wine tasting and preserves shop. What a day! Then we returned to watch some more rugby. This time we sat in the seats in the stadium which had a little bit of shelter from the wind.

I had trouble concentrating on the game sometimes because I was distracted by the young boys playing rugby on the sidelines and the really small boy climbing the fence and getting stuck and the seagulls floating in the wind without flapping. Then the fans would yell and I would feel left out. But I did see most of the game. I really like watching rugby, and it is much better live than on TV at a pub. We plan on returning Saturdays for more games. We are starting to understand it a bit better. The atmosphere is really fun and I like seeing people doing their thing-- whatever it is. Sporting events may be a telling phenomenon in each community... though perhaps not quite reality.

In other news, check out Anna Werner's blog--link on the left. She is studying in Turkey this semester. I am excited to read all about it.

The weather is supposed to be cold for the beginning of the week and then warming midweek... Boo. I am ready for spring. So are the little lambs and the naked sheep.


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